Saturday, March 8, 2014

Letter To Our Team

I just wanted to say thank you for the season. I wish work and family commitments hadn't restricted the time I was able to be there at times. Looking back I feel fortunate and blessed that I got to work with you all and know you not just as hockey players but as people.
Through the ups and down of any season there are always great memories and things to take away as lessons learned. That is the way I like to look at the game. I think that no matter how long your season lasts or what goes on during the season, there are things you learn about yourself and your team that will apply to all parts of your life. I know as a coach this season, that goes for me as well. 
The main thing I hope you learned was that when we played as a together as a team we were very good individual players, and when we played as individuals we were not a very good team.....that is a lesson that will apply to any team or business you are a part of in the future.
There are two other things I hope you can ask yourself and have the answers for now that some time has passed. They are:
"Am I a better player and person than I was at the start of the season?"
"Do I know more about myself, strengths and weaknesses, than I did at the start of the season?" These two questions apply not just on the ice but off of it as well.
I hope you can answer yes to them both. If so, then your season was a success.
I already miss you guys and hope you keep in touch. My email and cell are below and you better use them! (That's my last coach's order of the season!) If there is ever anything I can do for you please let me know.
I wish you success in hockey but more importantly wish you success in life.
Coach Huff

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