Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Through The Eyes Of A Coach

Definition of gratitude; 'the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.'

Thank you to the coaches that I asked to share some of their thoughts and gave me some material for this post. Great responses!

Before listing some of the many things most coaches are thankful for and having some fun, I felt compelled to mention some things I personally am very grateful for this Thanksgiving. 
My loved ones, my family, my friends and the great people I work with. My health, my happiness and all the incredible things that I have been blessed to experience over the years, including coaching.

50 Things Coaches are 'giving thanks' for this year:

Home games.
Road trips.
Power Forwards.
Pesky Forwards.
Passionate players.
Calm players.
White boards.
Respectful cellys....(that means celebrations I guess.....)
Blue line and backs....
Red line and backs.....
Down and backs....
Over and backs.....
Good power plays.
Better penalty kills.
Solid forwards.
Solid defense.
Rock solid goaltending.........
Parents who see the 'big picture'.
Advisers who actually advise.......
Players who forecheck well.
Players who backcheck always.
The top player on the roster,
The last player on the roster.....
Warm coaches coats.
Bad rink coffee.
Good bus drivers.
Respectful scouts.
Team meals.
Team managers.
Unselfish players.
Unselfish parents.
Coaches who share information.
NHL Center Ice package.
Pre-game meals.
Post game decompression sessions.....
Good ice when you team is playing well.
Bad ice when they are struggling.....
Players that don't talk back.
Players that say thank you.....
Players that that are thankful for their parents sacrifice.
Loved ones.
Great people to work with.

All the incredible things experienced over the years.

Being a coach.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

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